About Us

About Us


In the battle against the devil, we must arm ourselves with the Armor of God daily. This powerful armor equips us with truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God. 

By putting on this armor, we can stand firm against the schemes of evil and protect our hearts and minds. It is not a one-time effort but a daily commitment to resist temptation and walk in victory. 

With the Armor of God as our defense, we can face any spiritual battle with confidence and emerge victorious. So let us embrace this divine protection and fight against the forces of darkness every single day.


The Belt: of truth, which represents living in honesty and integrity

The Breastplate: righteousness reminds us to live morally upright lives 

Shoes: of peace enable us to walk confidently and spread love. 

The Shield: of faith guards against doubts and fears.

The Helmet: of salvation protects our minds from negative influences. 

The Sword: of the Spirit, which is the word of God, equips us with wisdom and               guidance.


Wearing clothing with a God narrative can have a profound impact on our daily lives, especially in the face of the evilness that exists in the world today. 

By donning these garments, we not only express our faith but also create a powerful visual reminder of our values and beliefs. 

This serves as armor against negativity and temptation, helping us stay grounded and focused on goodness. 

Moreover, it allows us to spread positivity and inspire others by showcasing our devotion to God. 

So let's embrace this practice as a means to uplift ourselves and counteract the darkness around us, one outfit at a time.